Beginners Guide To Passive Income

    Who is behind this site?

    Hi! I'm Tate Nanje

    It was my dream to make money while traveling the world. After reading Tim Ferris The Four Hour Work Week I was inspired. I wanted to know how I can do it too.

    My journey began from Atlanta, GA to South Korea in 2009. It was to go and teach English in South Korea. One thing led to another, and I went to another country, and from there, to another and 73 countries later, I find myself living in Dubai for now.

    I started Tate'sjourney so I can share my journey and how I did it and continue to do it. My passive income and other methods that allow me to make my life on the road.

    Tate Nanje passive income king

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    What I believe

    After reading extensively about money and my mindset about it, I have learned many things that changed how I look at money versus what I was tuaght.

    A lot of what I believe in my research and path to financial freedom, you will find through out this website. Find out even more about Tate'sjourney here

    • What you believe determines what you achieve
    • You won't get anywhere financially without investing
    • Passive income is the best way to get ahead
    • You need a side hustle or two (think of what frustrates you, bam passive income gig)
    • Your side hustles can fund more of your life than you think
    • You don't have to be rich to travel the world, you just have to ignore naysayers and go where your money will go far
    • Dividend paying stocks and index funds are your best investing vehicles
    • Create more assets that liabilities and you will never go broke
    • Rental income is the best type of passive income (currently working on this one)
    • Learn, learn, learn and you know what, keep learning, it never stops
    • Budget your time as well as your money
    • Crypto can make you money too, it's called farming
    • You don't have to make a lot in order to invest
    • Have a powerful daily routine that includes, learning, moving and sharing
    • Remember: success is not making money, making money is the result of success